Lake of the Woods School Board Minutes

December 30, 2024


                                                                     Lake of the Woods School ISD #390
                                                                     November 25, 2024 @ 7:00 PM - ITV Room
                                                                     Board of Education - Meeting Minutes

Members Present:  Boyd Johnson (Chair), Tim Lyon (Vice Chair), Robyn Sonstegard (Treasurer), Corryn Trask (Director), Jerem Haack (Director)


  1. Call to Order by Chair Boyd Johnson at 7:16 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Agenda
Motion by Corryn Trask second by Tim Lyon to approve the November 25, 2024 meeting agenda.  Motion passes (5-0)

  1. Board Presenters
  2. Written Communication

    1. Joint Powers Board Elections - Region1

  3. Old Business
  4. New Business

    1. Motion by Robyn Sonstegardsecond by Jerem Haack to approve the October 28, 2024 regular school board meeting minutes, and the November 13, 2024 canvassing meeting minutes.  Motion passes (5-0)

    2. Motion by  Jerem Haack second by Tim Lyon to approve  the Invoices, Financial Statements, Bank Reconciliation, Wire Transfers, and Purchase Card Statement.  Motion passes (5-0)

    3. Approval of Personnel - Appointments
      1. Motion by Tim Lyon second by Jerem Haack to approve the appointments as presented.

i. Appointments:  Jonathan Mesenbrink - Part-time Custodian, Jeff Nelson - Bus Driver, Ava Haack - Lifeguard, Jacob Sopkowiak - Lifeguard, Kodiak Dorow - Lifeguard, Jim Clementson - Bus Driver, Winter Coaching Staff (Dale Brune - Girl’s BBall Varsity Coach, Katie Pieper - Girl’s BBall Asst. Varsity Coach, Kadon Noga - Girl’s BBall Junior High, Rylan Henrickson - Boy’s BBall Varsity Coach, Monte Gubbels - Boy’s BBall Asst Varsity Coach, Brett Nylander - Boy’s Hockey Varsity Coach, Brandon Storey - Boy’s Hockey Asst Varsity Coach).  Motion passes (5-0)

  1. Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Corryn Trask to approve the policies as presented:

    1. 413 Harassment Violence
    2. 416 Drug, Alcohol, and Cannabis Testing
    3. 425 Staff Development and Mentoring
    4. 507 Corporal Punishment and Prone Restraint
    5. 509 Enrollment of Nonresident Students
    6. 512 School-Sponsored Student Publication and Activities
    7. 515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
    8. 516 Student Medication and Telehealth
    9. 608 Instructional Services - Special Education

            Motion passes (5-0)
  1. Motion by Jerem Haack second by Tim Lyon to approve Resolution 2024/2025-21 accepting a donation of $250.00 from Mt. Carmel WELCA for the Backpack Program.  Motion passes (5-0)


  1. Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Tim Lyon to approve the FY24 Audit.  Motion passes (5-0)

  2. Motion by Corryn Trask second by Tim Lyon to approve the World’s Best Workforce Plan.  Motion passes (5-0)

  3. Motion by Corryn Trask second by Tim Lyon to approve Resolution 2024/25-22 calling the school district general election.  Motion passes (5-0)

9. Other Business

10.  Adjourn by Chair Boyd Johnson at 7:27 PM