November 26, 2024
pursuant to MN. Statute 331A.01, subd. 10
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The Lake of The Woods County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at Lake of the Woods County Government Center in the Commissioners’ Room.
CALL TO ORDER Chair Cody Hasbargen called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited with the following members present: Commissioners: Cody Hasbargen, Joe Grund. By Phone from Florida: Commissioner Jon Waibel. Also present was County Auditor-Treasurer Lorene Hanson. Absent: Commissioners: Ed Arnesen, Buck Nordlof.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the agenda with additions: Permission to Hire Heavy Equipment Officer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the official minutes of November 12, 2024.
SOCIAL SERVICES Claims Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following claims: Commissioners Warrants $11,986.68; Commissioners Warrants $3,209.59; Commissioners Warrants $40,356.18.
Adult Mental Health Community Support Program Grant Approval Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the Adult Mental Health Community Support Program Grant between Minnesota State Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Administration and Lake of the Woods County effective January 1, 2025.
Auditor/Treasurer Claims Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the claims against the County as follows: Revenue $22,370.71; Road & Bridge $52,881.60; County Development $375.00; Natl Resc Enhanc $1,170.00; Solid Waste $82,136.70; EDA $1,649.16.
Warrants Approved On 11/26/2024 For Payment 11/27/2024
Vendor Name Amount
Baudette/City Of 6,000.00
Co-Op Services, Inc. 10,231.24
Compass Minerals America 6,009.26
John Deere Financial 6,159.76
KnowBe4, Inc 3,307.50
Lavalla Sand & Gravel Inc 6,300.00
Mar-Kit Landfill 13,285.00
McDaniels/Tim 38,000.00
North East Technical Service,Inc 18,574.45
North Leaf Auto Body 8,732.35
Northern Light Region 3,195.00
Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 5,130.58
U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 6,268.50
44 Payments less than 2000 29,389.53
Final Total: 160,583.17
Further moved to authorize the payment of the following auditor warrants: November 13, 2024 for $55,838.46; November 21, 2024 for $44,695.40; November 21, 2024 for $407,817.46; November 21, 2024 for ($165.99)
Doctor Retention Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve, the Dr. Retention Agreement between Lake of the Woods County and Lakewood Health Center effective October 1, 2024, for three years, unless earlier terminated by written notice by the County, for employed Physicians in the amount of $10,000 per year and $5,000 per year per employed advanced practice clinician, not to exceed $45,000 per year; and to authorize County Board Chair, Cody Hasbargen, County Auditor/Treasurer, Lorene Hanson and County Attorney, Michelle Moren to sign the same.
AirMed Contract Approval Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the contract agreement between AirMedCare Network and Lake of the Woods County.
Set Special Meeting Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to set a special meeting with Representative Elect Duran, and Senator Green for December 9, 2024 at 4:00p.m.
Set Work Session Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to set a work session to discuss Lake of the Woods County legislative actions for 2025 for December 9, 2024 at 3:00p.m.
Emergency Management FY2022 Operation Stonegarden Grant Motion was made by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the FY2022 Operation Stonegarden Grant in the amount of $153,694.00 and for Chair Cody Hasbargen to sign the same.
LEAST Contract
Emergency Management Director Jill Hasbargen-Olson discussed the LEAST Counselling Services contract. No action was taken at this time.
Human Resources Environmental Specialist I to II Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve moving Eric Best from Environmental Specialist I to Environmental Specialist II Grade 11, Step 2, $23.37 per hour at 253 points effective next full pay period.
Permission to Hire Heavy Equipment Operator Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the hiring of Heavy Equipment Operator Ed Humeniuk at Grade 12, Step 6, $26.69 per hour at 274 points effective November 18, 2024.
Public Works Semi-truck Purchase Approval Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the purchase of a semi-truck for $38,000.00 and the additional wet kit between $6,000.00-$7,000.00 that was approved in a previous meeting up to $50,000.00.
Warroad Watershed District Discussion
County Engineer Anthony Pirkl discussed possible amendments the Warroad Watershed District has proposed. It was the consensus of the board to have Mr. Pirkl draft a letter in response to this proposal to be presented at the next regular board meeting.
Approval of the Northerly Park Master Plan Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the Northerly Park Master Plan as presented by County Engineer Anthony Pirkl.
Jake’s Sawmill-Letter of Support Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve signing a letter of support for Jake’s Sawmill to apply for a grant for a biochar production facility.
County Attorney LEAST Contract
County Attorney Michelle Moren discussed her recommendations for the LEAST Services contract.
Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the LEAST Services contract contingent upon the addition of indemnification and the insurance cap as presented per County Attorney recommendation.
Large Event Ordinance Resolution Resolution
The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following:
Resolution No. 24-11-04
RESOLUTION OF LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING THE LARGE EVENT ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the assembly within unincorporated areas of Lake of the Woods Countyof a large number of people for extended periods of time creates special problems in maintaining order, the enforcement of law, and the protection of public health, safety and welfare; and
WHEREAS, these problems place extraordinary burdens upon the emergency management, fire, law enforcement, transportation, and utility services provided in the ordinary and usual course of events; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that provisions made for the regulation, control and planning of such assemblies; andWHEREAS, public hearing was held on June 27th, 2023 to consider adoption of a Large Event Ordinance; andWHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners, approved by motion the adoption of a Large Event Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners desire to confirm the adoption of said Large Event Ordinance by Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Lake of the WoodsCounty hereby ordains: There is hereby created Lake of the Woods County Ordinance No. 23-06-02, which shall beincluded as follows:
1. No person, firms or corporation shall conduct, maintain, operate, promote, organize, manage, or advertise, nor sell or give tickets of admission to, a show, exhibition, event or assembly of any nature for which it is planned or may reasonable be expected that 500 or more persons attending the assembly may remain, or may be permitted to remain, upon the site, lot, field, lake, or tract of land (hereinafter called premises) upon which the exhibition, show, or assembly is conducted excluding events permitted by the Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Statute 86B.121, unless specifically excepted by this Ordinance.
2. The applicant for permit shall make application in writing, verified under oath by the applicant or, if a corporation is applicant, by its president and secretary, filed with the County Auditor not less than sixty (60) days prior to the proposed beginning date of the assembly, and at least ninety (90) in advance if the assembly will involve one thousand (1000) or more participants, and shall set forth:
a.) The full name, age, residence, and mailing address of the applicant, or names and addresses of the partners if applicant is a partnership, or the names and addresses of the officers and all persons owning more than ten percent (10%) of the stock of the corporation if the applicant is a corporation.
b.) A legal description of the premises upon which it is proposed to conduct the assembly, with the names and addresses of all persons owning an interest in the premises, stating the nature of the interest.
c.) The nature and purpose of the assembly, the proposed beginning date and the period during which the assembly will be conducted, and a detailed statement of the manner in which it will be conducted.
d.) The maximum number of persons which the applicant will permit to assemble on the premises at any time during the assembly, which number shall be stated as a condition of any permit which may be issued.
e.) The plans of the applicant to limit and control admission to the premises to the maximum number of persons stated in the permit and for controlling and parking vehicles of persons assembling on the premises.
f.) Description of existing facilities, and plans for proposed construction and alteration of, sewage, garbage and waste disposal systems, toilets, urinals, sinks, wash basins, drains; the source of water supply and plans for water distribution on the premises and methods of fire protection to be used during such assembly.
g.) The proposed method of lighting the structures and premises during the assembly.
h.) The number, location, and power of amplifiers and speakers, and the plans for sound control during the assembly, if applicable. No event shall utilize amplified sound between the hours of 1:00 AM and 8:00 AM. No event shall utilize fireworks between the hours of 12:01 AM and 8:00 AM.
i.) Plans for maintenance of security and order on the premises, including the proposed number, deployment, and hours of availability of security guards upon the premises prior to, during, and immediately after the close of theassembly.
j) Plans for the preparation and distribution of food and refreshments upon the premises.
k.)Plans for providing a map of the premises showing evacuation routes reasonably available to persons assembling and the law enforcement agents and county officers and employees.
l.) Plans for medical services, including buildings therefore, the names and hours of availability of physicians and nurses, and provisions for ambulance and other emergency services.
3. The application shall be accompanied by permit fee in the amount of $500.00, together with a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming Lake of the Woods County as an additional insured for the term of the event in the amount of $500,000 each occurrence and $1,500,000 aggregate for both bodily injury and property damage liability to cover any claims that may result from the assembly and be approved by the County of Lake of the Woods conditioned that the permittee:
a.) carries out all of the plans and keeps and performs all of the conditions of the application and permit
b.) maintain order on the premises,
c.)leave the premises in neat and respectable condition,
d.)pay, when due, to the person or persons entitled thereto, all debts and obligations incurred in promoting, advertising, and conducting and operating the assembly, and
e.)indemnify and hold harmless the County of Lake of the Woods, its officers, agents, and employees, from any liability or causes of action arising in any way from the conduct of the assembly, evidenced by a certificate of insurance in the minimum amounts of municipal tort limits and a named additional insured.
f.) the bond shall provide that any person damaged by the breach of any condition of the bond may maintain an action within ninety (90) days after the event concludes in his own name to recover his damage, after first giving written notice to the County of Lake of the Woods, or the County of Lake of the Woods may maintain an action in its own name for the benefit of the persons damaged. In the event that approval of the application shall be denied by the County Board of Commissioners, the fee shall be returned.
g.)if no action has been filed, the bond shall be released ninety (90) days after the event concludes.
4. Within ten days of filing of application, the county shall consider the application:
a.) If the application is denied the County shall inform the applicant in writing of the reasons for denying the applications; if the objection can be corrected, the applicant may amend the application and resubmit it forapproval.
b.) If the application is approved, the applicant shall be given an approval report which shall permit the applicant to proceed according to the plans stated in the application, provided, however, that such approval shall not relieve the applicant from compliance with all applicable statutes, ordinances, and regulations.
c.) Plans and statements submitted in an approved application shall be deemed a condition of the approval report and of any permit issued pursuant thereto, whether or not stated in the report or permit.
5. Not less than ten days prior to the start of the assembly the applicant shall file with the County Sheriff.
a.) The names and addresses and credentials of all security guards to be employed during the assembly.
b.) The names and addresses of all food and service concessionaires who would be permitted to operate on the premises, with the permit or permit number of each.
c.) A report showing completion of all construction and installation necessary to comply with the application for permit, or in the event that such remain incomplete, evidence satisfactory to the County that completion will be had prior to the scheduled commencement of the assembly. Upon receipt of such report and after making such investigation and inspection of the premises as it may deem proper, and finding that all plans and requirement stated in the application have been or will be complied with, the County shall issue a permit. The permit shall at all times permit law enforcement officers and agents and officers of the County to enter upon the premises upon which the assembly is to be, or is being, conducted.
6. No permittee shall sell tickets to, nor permit to assemble, more than the number of persons stated in the permit.
7. The permit may be revoked at any time if any of the conditions of the approval report or permit are not performed or complied with, or cease to be performed or complied with. The county shall forthwith upon revocation serve upon the permittee has failed to comply; upon satisfactory proof of compliance, the County Board, may, in itsdiscretion, reinstate said permit.
8. If the permit shall be denied or revoked, the applicant and all persons under the applicant's direction and control shall forthwith cease and desist from all acts for the promotion, advertisement, organization, and operation of the assembly, and shall do all things necessary to advise persons who may intend to assemble of the refusal or revocation of permit, and shall do all things necessary to disperse persons who may have assembled upon thepremises
9. In considering applications for permit, the county board shall consider the character of the applicant, the nature of the assembly, the place thereof, the length of time during which it is to be conducted, and the adequacy of facilities for the protection of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare to be provided on the premises and in the area of the assembly, and plans to secure compliance with the conditions of the permit.
10. This ordinance shall not require a permit for assembly at an established and permanent stadium, auditorium, arena or place of worship where the reasonably anticipated assembly does not exceed the maximum seating capacity of the structure by more than 250 persons. The County Board of Commissioners may waive any of the requirements of subdivision 3 of this ordinance for applications from a City proposing to conduct a community festival.
11. Any person, firm, corporation or association violating or failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The County Attorney may institute in the name of the county any appropriate actions or proceedings for the enforcement of this ordinance and the conditions of permits issued pursuant to it. The promotion, conduct, operation or maintenance of an assembly in violation of this ordinance or any permit issued pursuant to it is hereby declared a public nuisance.
12. If any section or part of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions.
13. This ordinance shall become effective upon its adoption and publication according to law.
Lodging Tax Resolution Resolution
The following Resolution was offered by Commissioner Jon Waibel, seconded by Commissioner Joe Grund and carried unanimously by roll call to approve the following:
WHEREAS, The Minnesota Senate approved Finance HF Bill 1938 (“Special Law”) authorizing a special Lake of the Woods County lodging tax. On May 24rd, 2023, Governor Walz approved the Special Law and it was filed with the Minnesota Secretary of State on May 24, 2023. The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners by Resolution dated October 24, 2023 approved and accepted said Special Law; and WHEREAS, Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 477A.016, or any other provision of law, ordinance, or city charter, and subject to the limitation in paragraph (b), the Special Law authorizes the Board of Commissioners of Lake of the Woods County to impose, by ordinance, a tax of up to 3% on gross receipts in Lake of the Woods County subject to the lodging tax provisions under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.190; and WHEREAS, public hearing was held on October 22, 2024 to consider an amendment to the existing Lake of Woods County Lodging Tax; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners, approved by motion the amendment to the Lodging Tax Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners desire to confirm the adoption of said Amended Lodging Tax Ordinance by Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Lake of the Woods County hereby ordains: There is hereby created Lake of the Woods County Ordinance No. 24-10-09, whichshall be included as follows: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 20-10-04 ADOPTED ON THE 13TH DAY OF 2020, AND TITLED “AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A TAX ON LODGING AND REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY ORDINANCE NO. 06-03-03” This amended ordinance becomes effective from and after its passage and publication. The Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake of the Woods, ordains: That the following sections are hereby amended: Section 1 Authority and Purpose Subd 1. Authority.
The Minnesota Senate approved Finance HF Bill 1938 (“Special Law”) authorizing a special Lake of the Woods County lodging tax. On May 24rd, 2023, Governor Walz approved the Special Law and it was filed with the Minnesota Secretary of State on May 24, 2023. The Lake of the Woods County Board of Commissioners by Resolution dated October 24, 2023 approved and accepted said Special Law. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 477A.016, or any other provision of law, ordinance, or city charter, and subject to the limitation in paragraph (b), the Special Law authorizes the Board of Commissioners of Lake of the Woods County to impose, by ordinance, a tax of up to 3% on gross receipts in Lake of the Woods County subject to the lodging tax provisions under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.190. The provisions of paragraph (a) do not apply to any statutory or home rule city or town located in Lake of the Woods County that imposes a lodging tax under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.109, or the City of Baudette. The total tax imposed under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.190 and this section must not exceed 3%. To the extent not inconsistent with Minnesota Statutes Section 469.190, this section is governed by Minnesota Statutes Section 469.190.
Section 2 Definitions Subd. 4. State sales and use tax laws and rules. “State sales and use tax laws and rules” means those provisions of the state revenue laws applicable to state sales and use tax imposition, administration, collection, and enforcement, including Minnesota Statutes, chapters 270C, 289A, 297A, 469A, and Minnesota Rules, chapter 8130, as amended from time to time and Special Law (“HF 1938).
Section. 3. Local lodging tax imposed; amount of tax; coordination with state sales and use tax laws and rules. A local lodging tax is imposed in the amount of up to three percent (3%) on the gross receipts from sales of lodging and related services, as defined in section 2, subdivision 3 of this Ordinance, sourced within County limits, excluding any statutory or home rule city or town located in Lake of the Woods County that imposes a lodging tax under Minnesota Statutes section 469.190, or the City of Baudette, which are taxable under the state sales and use tax laws and rules. All of the provisions of the state sales and use tax laws and rules apply to the local lodging tax imposed by this Ordinance. The local lodging tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be collected and remitted to the Commissioner by the accommodations intermediary and the accommodations provider on any sale when the state sales tax must be collected and remitted to the Commissioner under the state sales and use tax laws and rules and in the same manner, and is in addition to the state sales and use tax.
Section 5. Use of proceeds. Subd. 1. All of the revenues, interest, and penalties derived from the lodging tax imposed by this Ordinance collected by the Commissioner and remitted to the County shall be deposited by the County Auditor in the County treasury and must be used to fund a new Lake of the Woods County Event and Visitors Bureau, as established by the Board of Commissioners of Lake of the Woods County. The Board of Commissioners must annually review the budget of the Event and Visitors Bureau. The Event and Visitors Bureau may receive revenues raised from the taxes imposed under the section only upon annual approval by the Board of Commissioners of the Event and Visitors Bureau. Subd. 2. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes section 469.190, subdivision 3, After the amount charged by the State for collection of the tax, ninety-five percent (95%) of the gross proceeds, derived from the lodging tax imposed by this Ordinance collected by the Commissioner and remitted to the County shall be deposited by the County Auditor in the County treasury and shall be credited to the fund established to pay the costs of collecting the lodging tax imposed by this Ordinance and to fund the Event and Visitors Bureau as set forth in Subd. 1 of this section.
Section 8. Amendment. All portions of Ordinance No. 20-10-04 of the County of Lake of the Woods duly enacted on October 13, 2024 inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 9. Full Force and Effect: All other provisions of Ordinance No. 20-10-04 not amended shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on the first day of publication after adoption and the tax imposed hereunder shall be effective as of the date of the enactment of the Special Law.
Con-Con Fund Application Review Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, Seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously to make allocations to the following organizations from the Con-Con funds, Payable 2025:
Lake of the Woods County Development Year 2025
Baudette Arena Assoc-$7,500.00; Williams Arena Assoc-$7,000.00; Baudette Community Foundation-Grand Theater-$10,000.00; Friends Against Abuse-$2,500.00; LOW Historical Society-$4,500.00; LOW Humane Society-$7,500.00; Williams Sr Center-$4,000.00; Williams Potato Day-$1,000.00; Joint Powers Natural Resources Board-$1,000.00; LOW School Trap Team-$3,000.00; LOW Sr Fishing-$1,500.00; Take A Kid Fishing-$2,000.00; Remonumentation-$16,000.00; Auditing Fees-$1,000.00; Rinke Noonan/Drainage-$2,400.00; Scouting America Troop 62-$1,000.00; Scouting America Pack 4062-$1,000.00; Lake of the Woods Senior Citizens Council-$5,000.00.
Adjourn Motion was made by Commissioner Joe Grund, seconded by Commissioner Jon Waibel and carried unanimously by roll call to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 a.m.
Attest: December 17, 2024
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Auditor/Treasurer Lorene Hanson Chair Cody Hasbargen