Lake of the Woods School Board Minutes
October 07, 2024
Lake of the Woods School ISD #390
August 26, 2024 @ 7:00 PM - ITV Room
Board of Education - Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Boyd Johnson (Chair), Tim Lyon (Vice Chair), Robyn Sonstegard (Treasurer), Corryn Trask (Director)
Members Absent: Karla Robida (Director)
- Call to Order by Chair Boyd Johnson at 7:04 PM.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Agenda
Motion by Tim Lyon second by Robyn Sonstegard to approve the August 26, 2024 meeting agenda with the additions of: 5. Karla Robida’s resignation as School Board Director, and 7.iii. the appointment of Kris Berthiaume as a paraprofessional. Motion passes (4-0)
- Board Presenters
Written Communication
- Resignation of Karla Robida as School Board Director effective 09/01/2024.
- Old Business
New Business
- Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Tim Lyon to approve the July 22, 2024 school board meeting minutes. Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Tim Lyon second by Corryn Trask to approve the Invoices, Financial Statements, Bank Reconciliation, Wire Transfers, and Purchase Card Statement. Motion passes (4-0)
- Approval of Personnel - Appointments
- Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Tim Lyon to approve the resignations, retirements, and appointments as presented.
i. Resignations: Tillie Thompson - Paraprofessional & Jennelle Lowes - High School Special Education Teacher
ii. Retirements: Terri Thompson - Paraprofessional
iii. Appointments: Kelsey Armstrong - Paraprofessional & Kris Berthiaume - Paraprofessional
Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Tim Lyon second by Robyn Sonstegard to approve Resolution 2024/2025-15 accepting a donation of $200.00 from the Jeffery Birchem and Gretchen Mehmel for the Calming Corners. Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Tim Lyon to approve the Thoele Photography contract for the 2024-25 school year. Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Tim Lyon second by Robyn Sonstegard to approve the Truth in Taxation Hearing for Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the ITV Room. Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Corryn Trask second by Tim Lyon to approve the Baudette Lutheran Parish User Agreement for the 2024-25 school year. Motion passes (4-0)
- Motion by Robyn Sonstegard second by Tim Lyon to approve Resolution 2024/2025-16 accepting a donation of $600.00 from Ruby’s Pantry for the Community Ed. Summer Theater. Motion passes (4-0)
i. Motion by Tim Lyon second by Boyd Johnson to approve the teacher contract with Nathan Solar for the 2024-25 school year. Motion passes (4-0)
10. Adjourn by Chair Boyd Johnson at 7:16 PM.
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