City of Williams Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Mayor C. Lundsten called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Chad Lundsten __X_Present ___Absent
Leslie Huerd __X_Present ___Absent
Jana Kukowski ____Present ___Absent
Gary VanDeHey __X_Present ___Absent
Questions and Concerns
Council Member G. VanDeHey made a motion to approve the June 10th meeting minutes. Council Member L. Huerd seconded the motion, with it passing unanimously.
New Business
Plains Energy solar panels was discussed with no action taken. Troy Olson was unavailable to come to this meeting but will attend the August 12th meeting.
Fire Department storage tank on Sugar’s land was discussed. No action taken.
Large mower was discussed, no action taken. Tabled until next spring.
Sewer pumps were discussed. A decision was made to install existing new pump and refurbish pump with issues at some point in the near future.
NOS alarm system was discussed. L. Huerd made a motion to purchase Alarm Agent from NOS. The motion was seconded by G. VanDeHey, with it passing unanimously.
Clerk was directed to purchase bases for the baseball diamond.
Council approved batting cage at the baseball diamond as long as there are no expenses to the city. No motion needed.
Dumping in the sewer was discussed. The general consensus was to not allow dumping in the ponds. No action was taken.
Old Business
Parks, Streets and Sewer – Nothing new.
Ordinance – Nothing new.
Library - Nothing new.
Finance, Budget and Personnel – Nothing new.
Council Member L. Huerd moved to approve the paid claims. Council member G. VanDeHey seconded the motion, with it passing unanimously.
Council Member G. VanDeHey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Council Member L. Huerd seconded the motion, with it passing unanimously.
L. Nicholson
City Clerk/Administrator
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