Lake of the Woods School Board Agenda

February 20, 2024

Lake of the Woods School ISD #390

February 26, 2024 @ 7:00 PM

Board of Education Meeting - ITV Room

Board Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Board Presenters

5. Written Communications

6. Old Business

7. New Business

a. Approval of the January 22, 2024 board meeting minutes and the February 5, 2024 special board meeting minutes.

b. Approval of the invoices, financial statements, bank reconciliation, wire transfers, and purchase card statements.

c. Approval of Personnel-Resignations, Retirements and Appointments

i. Resignations

1. Harley Poppitz - HR

2. Amanda Rairdon - Special Education

d. Approval of Resolution 2023/2024-25 accepting a donation of $300.00 from Ruby’s Pantry as a donation for the Angel Fund at Lake of the Woods School.

8. Other Business

9. Adjourn

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