Lake of the Woods School Board of Education Special Board Meeting

December 26, 2023

Lake of the Woods School ISD #390

October 3, 2023

Board of Education Meeting @ 8:00 AM

ITV Room

Special Board Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Corryn Trask (Chair), Boyd Johnson (Vice Chair), Lynnette Ellis (Clerk), Karla Robida (Treasurer), Tim Lyon (Director), Robyn Sonstegard (Director)

Members Absent:

Others Present: Jeff Nelson

1. Call to Order by Chair Corryn Trask at 8:01 AM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Agenda

Motion by Boyd Johnson second by Tim Lyon to approve the October 3, 2023 special meeting agenda.

Motion passes

4. Old Business

a. Motion by Boyd Johnson second by Roby Sonstegard to approve the appointment of Karla Robida as a bus driver..

Corryn Trask - Yea

Boyd Johnson - Yea

Lynnette Ellis - Yea

Karla Robida - Abstain

Tim Lyon - Yea

Robyn Sonstegard - Yea

Motion passes

5. Adjourn by Chair Corryn Trask at 8:03 AM.

Chair, Corryn Trask Clerk, Lynnette Ellis